Vartanova Marina L. – Candidate of Science, Economics, Associate Professor; Associate Professor of the Chair of Economics and Financial Law (Russian State Social University, Moscow); Head of the Postgraduate Study Department (Moscow Psychological-Social University)
In the conditions of growing economic independence of the regions, the role of agrifood market of the region in providing local population with food increases. The goal of its functioning may be denoted as provision of the population of the respective territory with food products, available in terms of price, volume, range and quality at active participation in inter-regional and foreign trade activities. Considering the problem of agrifood market formation at the state level, it is necessary to take into account the situation in the regions, as well as in the federal subjects of the Russian Federation as their constituent part. In the present article it’s important for us to establish a dependence of agrifood safety of the country on possibilities of a federal subject of the RF, preserving a sufficient level of self-reliance, i.e. the level of food provision of the whole country as such.
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