Nesterenko Tatiana Viktorovna –
Guschina Yuliya Igorevna – (Volzhsky Polytechnic Institute (branch) of Volgagrad State Technical University)
Ievleva Natalya Vladimirovna – (Volzhsky Polytechnic Institute (branch) of Volgagrad State Technical University)
Gavrilova Oksana Aleksandrovna – (Volzhsky Polytechnic Institute (branch) of Volgagrad State Technical University)
The article analyses the current problems of formation and management of service portfolio. It also proves the necessity of using planning to improve the range management system concerned with the lack of its development in services organization. The authors offer and prove the effective method of service portfolio optimization which allows planning both quantitative and qualitative composition of product range. The method of range service optimization is universal for any market participant and allows using ABC analysis to identify and develop more profitable positions from the proposed range. Thesis and conclusions of the article can be used in the formation of a balanced service portfolio in various fields and areas of functioning of organizations which have a huge range of services, need to be implemented. The information of the article will be useful for practitioners involved in the formation of the optimum range of services. Results of the study could be useful in the research activities, as well as in the education during the implementation of basic and supplementary programs.
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