Pleslov Anatoly A. – Candidate of Science, Economics, Associate Professor; Associate Professor of the Chair of Regional Economy and Management (Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management NSUEM)
The article studies results of deep reforms of companies during various institutional, organizational processes and procedures of division, detachment, reorganization, bankruptcy and liquidation, which led to a more active selling and renting of a part of productive capacities. The author has appraised an opportunity for small and medium-sized businesses to use infrastructural resources of old production sites (facilities), leading to opening of small and medium-sized companies on their basis. The article pays special attention to identification of a new taxonomic unit of the territorial combination of companies at old production sites – small industrial groups (SIG). The article is devoted to solution of the issue of the optimal allocation and operation of small and medium-sized businesses. The material given in the article will be of interest for Russian entrepreneurs, as well as for the directors and experts of regional and municipal administrative agencies dealing with the issues of small and medium-sized business development.
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