Brumshteyn Yury – (Astrakhan state university, Russia)
The aim of this paper was in complex analysis of the issue, connected with references usage in publications; using of information about references for the scientometric tasks carrying out, concerning journals and papers. As material for research in this article are used only the Russian scientific publications, mainly periodic. Author has proved preference of term «reference» usage in comparison with usually applied expression «citing». It is shown that development of algorithms/software for borrowings identification in scientific works and dissertations (theses) occurs in parallel with contrivances enhancement of such borrowings. In article the author analyzed the structure of Russian science publications. The conclusion is drawn about it «non optimality» owing to the existence of a large number of journals/collections with indistinct names and publications subject; lack of direct connections between journals, scientific conferences, Councils for theses protection; weak coordination of editions activities even within one region. Author has offered the single-level scheme for categorization of scientific publications and the two-level scheme for objects, which become (can be made) references in publications. These classifications can be used while creation «scales accounting» schemes for references within systems of work productivity assessment of scientific journals and certain authors. It is shown that development of information technologies considerably improves availability for authors of scientific materials, possibilities of their selective choice by requests. Potentially it promotes increasing of references numbers in publications, increasing their adequacy to articles contents. Author has offered some approaches to a quantitative assessment of «connectivity» for articles and separate scientific journals with scientific information space. These approaches are based on accounting of numbers for the «entering», «outgoing» and «intra journal» references for scientific publications. In article are also analyzed some additional opportunities for publications evaluation quality and their demand, based on the analysis of opening numbers for Internet pages with bibliographic information about works; viewings of their texts in electronic form; downloadings (loadings) of these texts; determination of texts viewings durations.
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