Nikolaevа Tamara – Plekhanov Russian University of Economic, Moscow, Russian Federation
Uryaseva Tatyana – Plekhanov Russian University of Economic, Moscow, Russian Federation
Development of specialized shops, sales and profit growth is to limit consumer threads associated with a narrow radius of their service, saturation territory similar shops (or implement in its range the same products), as well as the irregular nature of the consumption of the sold goods. In article the basic ways of improving the efficiency of the work of the specialized shops and possibility of their use in the retail trade: choosing the right store location, understanding trade data when generating product range and unique selling proposition, a deep understanding of rapidly changing preferences of distinct groups of buyers. Also the influence of the development of specialized stores integration processes and constraints associated with their activities.
► on the development of specialty stores affect the integration processes in trade
► efficiency of specialized trading companies can be estimated from the economic, organizational, social indicators
► prerequisite for the formation of a specialized range of related products store is: a thematic link with the main product range; sufficient frequency and regularity of purchase
► in the planning of sales necessary to assess the impact on the sale of certain external constraints. These restrictions ... are: the volume of demand for consumer goods (low incomes in certain areas, limiting the possibility of buying goods, poor living conditions); legislative and regulatory framework governing the activities of economic entities in the market of goods and services on the territory of the regional policy
► achieving a unique selling proposition is the most important competitive advantage of specialty stores
► major direction of increasing the profit of specialty shops and shopping centers – the development of trade and public catering
► development and growth of specialty stores is done by opening branches
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