Chaldaeva Larisa A. – Doctor of Science, Economics, Professor; Professor, Chair of Economy of a Company (Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation)
Gamova Anna V. – Postgraduate; Junior Financial Controller of Trade Marketing Costs on International Markets, Roust Russia JSC, Moscow (All-Russian Academy of Foreign Trade, Ministry of Economic Development for the Russian Federation, Moscow)
Any business is the investment product and it is important for the investor (entrepreneur) to have the idea about its future profitability to take effective managerial decisions. That's why the business evaluation becomes more significant today and no modern economic transaction can be made without it. Business evaluation is especially important for franchise companies because this method of business expansion provides the sale (by the one party) and the purchase (by the other party) of the set of exclusive rights (a franchise). The article reviews the methodical basis for evaluation of franchise companies' cost: evaluation methods popular on the international franchise market and different approaches and methods for evaluation of non-tangible assets (NTA) included to the franchise package are studied. As a result, the complex approach to evaluation of the franchise company's value is developed that combines different approaches and methods for each NTA included to the franchise package.
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