Onuchak Viktor Aleksandrovich – ( MGIMO University of the MFA of Russia)
Levitskaya Elena Nikolaevna – ( MGIMO University of the MFA of Russia)
The increasing cost of environmental protection is impossible without active participation of business, affecting the socio-economic development of the region. This is especially true of businesses and industries in oil-producing industries that are detrimental to the environment. Their damage could have been prevented in advance. Utilization of associated petroleum gas (APG) involves the use of components that bring a positive environmental effect in comparison with its flaring. On the regional scale all regional characteristics of natural and anthropogenic processes must be considered together. Solving of problems of corporate responsibility development in the oil producing regions involves the use of state-private partnership mechanisms at the regional level.
- The increasing cost of environmental protection is impossible without active participation of business
- Utilization of associated petroleum gas (APG) involves the use of components that bring a positive environmental effect in comparison with its flaring.
- The state does not only undertakes the financial expenditure on the environment protection in the region, it also solves the problem of creation of conditions and impetus to finance investment in production
- In world practice, there are five basic construction models of corporate social responsibility (CSR): European, British, American, Canadian and Japanese models
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