Sirazetdinov Rustem M. – Doctor of Science, Economics, Head of the Chair of Expertise and Property Management, Director of the Institute of Economics and Management in Construction (Kazan State University of Architecture and Engineering)
Mukhametzyanova Dilyara D. – Teaching Assistant of the Chair of Expertise and Property Management (Kazan State University of Architecture and Engineering)
Presently, innovations play an important role in the economic development of any state and serve as a competitive advantage of the state. At the present moment Russia emphasizes the inovatioal activities. It is exactly the state influence and direct participation that may provide high rates of the economic growth. The authors have used the methods of data analysis and synthesis, a systemic approach. The data obtained in result of the research enable to make a conclusion that there is a need for close cooperation between public authorities and innovational enterprises. Special attention should be paid to cooperation of enterprises for creation of integral scientific-innovational production complexes. The results of this research may be useful in the process of the development and realization of socioeconomic state police, as well as for further scientific studies within this subject.
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