Kurganov Valeriy V. – Deputy Director General (Insurance Construction Company, LLC, Moscow)
Tsyganov Aleksandr A. – Doctor of Science, Economics, Professor, Head of the Chair of Insurance (Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow)
Modern conceptions of formation and efficient development of new insurance types, the theory of institutional development of the insurance market, the works of the domestic and foreign practicing specialists working in the field of insurance, foreign sources on this problem are the theoretical and methodological basis for this article. The authors have used the methods of the comparative and logical analysis, systemic approach, the instruments of financial and legal analysis based on the established legal practice. Based on the analysis of the modern theory and practice of property insurance, legal practice in relation to the construction control activities in Russia that is available at the authors’ disposal, the authors discuss relevant issues of liability insurance of the persons executing construction control. The need for activization of a new insurance type implementation has been substantiated. The author gives certain recommendations, including the ones concerning the choice of form and content of the insurance agreement, determination of other considerable conditions of insuring the responsibility of the persons executing construction control. There are practical conclusions both for the persons executing construction control and for insurers intending to sell the respective insurance products. The article has been written following the results of the research work of Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation”: “Liability insurance of organizations executing construction control in the process of the construction of transport infrastructure objects”.
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