Salova Lyobov V. – Candidate of Science, Economics, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Chair of Economics and Management (Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service)
New economic reality has demonstrated the need for new sources and factors of the economic growth. Rational use of the resources of specially protected natural reservations and their translation into goods and services may become one of such directions. At that, there aren’t many research works related to rational resource use in specially protected natural reservations at the present time. At the same time, the existing experience is insignificant and not systematized. In this connection the author discusses the possibility to carry out such processes on the basis of public-private partnership, because the form of such interaction has proven to be efficient in other areas and spheres of activity. Such statement of the question is relatively new for the domestic science; it has a particular relevancy and may be useful both in terms of theory and practice. Given that 2017 was declared the Year of specially protected natural reservations and against the background of general attention to this problem, there is a unique opportunity to increase the topicality of the discussion of the scientific approaches and development of instruments for managing these processes.
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