Chichagov Alexander – (A.A. Dorodnicyn computing center of Russian Academy of Sciences)
The paper deals with the structure of the research, development and educational environment (R&D&E-scope). It determines the logical relationship between the structure of knowledge, the nomenclature of the creative activity results and typological R&D&E-scope subjects. System architecture of scientific and technological and innovation complex is briefly described. The concept and structure of the Federal Agency for Science and Technology and Innovative complex of the country is also considered.
► NTO-sphere integrates the subjects of research, engineering and technology, and training and educational spheres of activity of any form of ownership, as well as institutions with information of subjects of this activity, ie, scientific libraries, centers of scientific and technical documentation, archives and specialized funds, ie a kind of knowledge bank
► for a normal existence and development NTO sphere requires a rational incentive mechanism results NTO activities, as well as general and targeted administrative and financial support from the state and society
► you need to constantly improve the level of knowledge of information, support and develop information resources, which accumulate and systematize the results of scientific, engineering and educational activities
► for scientific and technical experts the most interesting information resources are specialized funds / library open solutions and technologies (FORT), which are created and maintained by the authors / developers of the proposed solutions / technologies
► special funds of open solutions and technologies represent organizations that accumulate information resources and are similar with organizations such as algorithms and software assets (FAP) or editors / publishers of scientific and technical journals (RNTZH)
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