Likhachyova Tatiana – (Institute of Socio-Economic Development of Territories of Russian Academy of Sciences, Vologda, Russian Federation)
The amount of rural population of the Vologda region has considerably decreased: for the past centuries (1962–2014) the decrease amounted to 79 %. In 2014 the migration loss coefficient of rural population in the Vologda region amounted to 101,2 people per 10 000 of the population. These tendencies lead to the decrease of rural population as a whole and, consequently, to the decrease of rural labor resources. The goal of this research has been to analyze the reproduction of rural labor resources of the Vologda region. For this purpose, rural labor resources have been evaluated at the stages of development, distribution and use, which has enabled to identify the development trends. The author has used methods of analysis, comparison, generalization, as well as table and graphic methods of data visualization. In the course of research, the author has obtained the following results: at the stage of formation of labor resources, natural population decline is not replenished, relative share of employable population decreases, rural population migrates to cities which is due to difficult social and economic conditions, thus, leading to massive population outflow. As for the distribution of rural population according to the types of economic activities, it has been revealed that the predominating economic activities are the ones that ensure the viability of the territory. At that, the remuneration in these spheres is much lower than in others. Employable population decreases along with the economically active population. The amount of working population also decreases. The age group younger and older than the employable population gradually becomes equal to the amount of employable population. These tendencies testify to the need for improvement of the management system of labor resources efficiency, in particular, the infrastructure development (schools, hospitals, roads) and creation of new vacancies.
► reproduction of labor resources is the process of the continuous renewal of quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the economically active part of the population; it includes the stages of formation, distribution and redistribution, as well as use of labor resources
► there were considerable changes in the structure of economically active population in 2010–2014; first of all, relative share of the population with primary education was greater while the share of the population with secondary (complete) general education decreased
► demographic processes are the key factors in formation of labor resources characterized by such main indicators as birth and mortality rates
► the main characteristics of the degree of use of the existing labor resources are the indices of economic activity, employment and unemployment of the population
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