Simchenko Natalia A. – Doctor of Science, Economics, Professor, Head of the Department of Economic Theory (the Crimean Federal University named after V. I. Vernadsky, Simferopol)
Tsyokhla Svetlana Yu. – Doctor of Science, Economics, Professor, Head of the Department of Business Management (the Crimean Federal University named after V. I. Vernadsky, Simferopol)
Podsmashnaya Irina N. – Senior lecturer of the Department of Business Management (the Crimean Federal University named after V. I. Vernadsky, Simferopol)
In this article the structure of motivational expectations of the urban and rural population of the region is studied on the basis of analysis of the dynamics of labor relations in the Republic of Crimea. The analytic hierarchy process is validated in the construction of models of motivation in terms of economic modernization. The results for structuring motivational expectations of the population of Republic of Crimea allow to make a realistic assessment of motivational preferences of people employed in the economy in various segments of the labor market in the region, as well as to implement the regional socio-economic policy of employment considering the transformations in labor motivation system of Crimea. The results of these studies will be of interest to scientists concerned with labor market studies based on the motivational aspects of behavior, as well as heads of the enterprise and professionals in terms of understanding the structure of the needs of different categories of the working population.
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