The influence of Internet technologies on the efficiency of investment of small enterprises
Viktoriya Radugina, Nikolay Popov
(about the authors)
Radugina Viktoriya Sergeevna – assistant at the Department of accounting and finance, Lipetsk State Technical University
Popov Nikolay Aleksandrovich – Cand. of Econ. Sci., assistant professor at the Department of security of information technologies, doctoral student, Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics
Keywords:entrepreneurship, internettechnologies, investment, small business
Citation: Viktoriya Radugina, Nikolay Popov (2009). The influence of Internet technologies on the efficiency of investment of small enterprises. Creative Economy, 3(6), 45-49. — url:
The article described some of the features determining the effectiveness of investments of small business using Internet technologies.
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