Deev Alexander A. – Candidate of Science, Economics (Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow)
Sokolov Maxim S. – Candidate of Science, Economics, Associate Professor (Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow)
Development of documentation for state strategic planning in the field of industry, acceleration of the rates of innovative technologies development and implementation, and tools for comprehensive assessment of the state industrial policy are important elements of RF Federal Law No. 488-FZ “On the Industrial Policy of the Russian Federation” dated December 31, 2014. The law is supposed to become the basis for developing new laws and regulations, as well as a complex of policy measures and is aimed at improving the effectiveness of state support for Russian industries. This foregrounds the need for a systematic study of its implementation problems. The results of this study can be helpful to representatives of federal and regional executive bodies participating in the national industrial policy realization, higher educators and students, as well as those who study contemporary issues of strategic development of industries.
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