Dzhambulova Shamshiya Zh. – Candidate of Science, Economics, Associate Professor of the Chair of Economics and Management (Omsk Branch of Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Omsk)
Khairulina Lyudmila R. – Candidate of Science, Economics, Senior Lecturer of the Chair of Economics and Management (Omsk Branch of Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Omsk)
The article is devoted to improving the mechanism of state support for entrepreneurship in Omsk Oblast. The research subject is the analysis of social and economic development of rural areas of the region, climate conditions and their influence on the mechanism of state support for entrepreneurship. The purpose of this study is to develop measures aimed at improvement of the mechanism of state support for agricultural business in Omsk Oblast. For this purpose, it is necessary to analyze the legal base, identify the problems in the existing mechanism of state support for small, medium-sized and large business, and propose the directions for its improvement. The research was carried out using the methods of economic analysis, functional and structural analysis, and abstract and logic method. The conducted research allowed the authors to identify the key problems in social and economic development of rural areas, their impact on business activity, as well as the problems in the mechanism of state support for enterprises. Among the identified problems are: the difference between the types of rural areas, the presence of rural settlements of the 3rd and 4th types with unfavorable climate conditions, depressiveness of districts, negative development trends of small businesses, low level of social responsibility of businesses, and the local character of state support for entrepreneurship [7]. The authors proposed some variants of the mechanism of state support for enterprises in the region. Each variant includes the conditions of interaction between bodies of government, entrepreneurs, and rural residents; enhancing social responsibility of entrepreneurs for sustainable social and economic development of rural areas. The authors’ suggestions can be used at different levels of public administration to develop directions for state support, improvement of the methods for distribution federal subsidies among the regions, as well as to extend the opportunities of regions to sustain optimal and balanced development of entrepreneurship.
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