Rezanov Konstantin V. – Candidate of Science, Economics (Pacific National University, Khabarovsk)
The goal of this article is to develop the basic principles for the formation of timber clusters. It has been shown in the article that a global cluster model is formed on the basis of interaction and co-evolution of local clusters. The author presents a classification of local clusters. A local cluster is considered from the perspective of function and structure, i.e. the author distinguishes main functions of a cluster in accordance with the sustainable development principles and also points out its elements – the center of multipurpose timber exploitation and the umbrella pattern, as well as its infrastructure. It has been concluded that the development of clusters is only possible based on the systemic creation of cluster technologies. The research results may be of interest for the professionals working in the timber complex Результаты исследования предназначены для специалистов лесного комплекса.
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