Verhoglazenko Vladimir – (ACME Center, Russia)
In this study we select only the most general guidelines that should be considered for the company management analysis or the formation of motivational and challenging conditions in relation to the employee. The key point is to ensure a positive employee relations to the circle of his duties and to the proposed "rules of the game", which requires the cultivation and promotion of the right of self-determination of the employee. Self-determination is not only an adequate understanding, but also a conscious decision employee statutory conditions of his work and life in the organization. Based on psychological theories of motivation by A.N. Leontiev, O. Anisimova et al., We have tried to make the necessary correction in the strategic management approach, the motivation of staff, discussed those grounds, without which, obviously, cannot be the existence of a functioning system of motivation and stimulation. Firstly, we will try to reduce uncertainty in the understanding of key concepts of "motivation" and "encouraging".
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