Golovko Aleksandr Vladimirovich – Postgraduate, Economic Department, Kuban State University, Head of Marketing Department, Intra, Ltd
Gamaley Nikolay Yuryevich – Postgraduate, Chair of Management, Rostov State Economic University “RINH”
Sinov Vladimir Vasilyevich – Cand. of Econ. Sci., Professor, Saint Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance “New Literacy” of XXI century
Under transition to innovative economy formation as key direction of modernization the role and meaning of creative potential of society grows. The society which can percept objective need for intensification of innovative trend. Formation of innovative receptivity of creative potential is a complex and contradictory process with wide range of costs, which take form of social investment as long-term investing in person, who plays a role of important strategic resource under conditions of modernization. The author makes an attempt to substantiate the need for formation of innovative receptivity of creative potential as priority, as chance and challenge in search of trajectories for stable development.
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