Pysina Natalia V. – Candidate of Science, Pedagogy, Associate Professor of the Chair of Economics, Management and Entrepreneurship (Chaikovskiy Branch of the Perm National Research Polytechnic University.)
The author reveals basic provisions of the legal acts for support of the development of small and medium businesses on the municipal level. Due to the replenishment of budgetary funds by business tax liabilities, the executive authorities can implement projects and programs of the municipal entity development. The article presents the dynamics of the quantity of enterprises, their production volumes, the economic response is reflected through the example of a statistical research of the town of Chaykovsky. The presented research data allow to understand how important the support of small and medium entrepreneurship is in small towns. The article also provides the level of the employed population quantity for a certain time period due to expansion of the business sector in different fields of its activity.This article allows researchers to point out positive and negative moments in the system of growth and development, to develop the individual (for their own town) small and medium entrepreneurship support program. Active events presented for beginners and active entrepreneurs developed together with the business sector of the Chaykovsky municipal district give the opportunity to take some of them as a basis and to correct them according to the purpose of the research.
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