The authors conducted a survey of scientists and researchers from around the world on the subject of Gold Open Access, relationship to the publication of such a system and its development perspective. The results presented in the article.The article was 1st time published here:Bonaccorso, E, Bozhankova, R, Cadena, CD, Иapskб, V, Czerniewicz, L, Emmett, A, Oludayo, FF, Glukhova, N, Greenberg, ML, Hladnik,M, Grillet, ME, Indrawan, M, Kapoviж, M, Kleiner, Y, Јaziсski, M, Loyola, RD, Menon, S, Morales, LG, Ocampo, C, Pйrez-Emбn, J,Townsend Peterson, A, Poposki, D, Rasheed, AA, Rodrнguez-Clark, KM, Rodrнguez, JP, Rosenblum, B, Sбnchez-Cordero, V, Smolнk,F, Snoj, M, Szilбgyi, I, Torres, O, Tykarski, P. (2014). Bottlenecks in the Open-Access System: Voices from Around the Globe. Journalof Librarianship and Scholarly Communication2(2):eP1126.
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