Shalina Nadezhda Viktorovna – Senior Professor, Chair of Economics and Management, Volgo-Vyatsk Academy of State Service (branch)
Mudrak Andrey Alekseevich – Director, PKA “MAGURA” LTD, applicant, Faculty of Finance, Chair of Commerce, Lobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod
Sinov Vladimir Vasilyevich – Cand. of Econ. Sci., Professor, Saint Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance “New Literacy” of XXI century
The article highlights that rise of competiveness of Russian economy in whole and in separate regions is possible only through the development of innovative activity. This makes necessary creation of innovative infrastructure, i.e. special establishments and institutions which main task will be creation of innovative products and commercialization of new projects. In a number of region this process goes rather intensively and has positive results. But there are still some subjects of Russian Federation, where formation of innovative infrastructure is at the initial stage.
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