Giza Frank – доктор экономики (Ph.D.), профессор, директор программы International Master of Business Administration (Университет прикладных наук, г. Бремен (Hochschule Bremen), ФРГ.)
Zaytsev Andrey Aleksandrovich – магистр менеджмента, мастер делового администрирования (MBA), аспирант (Московский государственный технический университет им. Н.Э. Баумана)
The paper analyzes the role of supply chain management subsystem within the innovative activities of high-tech enterprises. It sets forth the main purposes of the supply chain management concept at the strategic and operational levels. Itconsiders the main lines of improvement of company activities using the concept of supply chain management within the development and implementation of process innovation aimed at the elimination of losses. The authors proposed an original 6-step mechanism for creating integrated product innovation based on the concept of supply chain management allowing more fully use the internal potential of the company and the expertise of the partners in the supply chain. They studied the interrelation of this subsystem with other functional subsystems of the enterprise in the implementation of the proposed mechanism.
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