Talantova Natalia N. – Doctor of Science, Economics; Associate Professor of the Chair of Economics and Management (Zelenodolsk Institute of Engineering and Information Technology (branch) of Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N. Tupolev – KAI)
Gaynutdinova Ilseyar A. – Doctor of Science, Economics; Associate Professor of the Chair of Economics and Management Department (Zelenodolsk Institute of Engineering and Information Technology (branch) of Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N. Tupolev – KAI)
This paper presents a procedure to systematize production losses in the production of machinery, in such steps as: acceptance of raw materials, transportation and storage of materials, distribution of materials, transformation of materials into finished products. For each type of loss proposed activities, taking into account the specifics of production and losses themselves. Thus, the most effective, according to the authors, these losses were as placement of equipment in the form of a U-shaped cells, improve production logistics, creating a system of self-control, training 5S, the use of SMED, use methods of time management.
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