Melynikov Oleg Nikolaevich – Dr. of Econ. Sci., Professor, Bauman Moscow State Technical University
Gorelov Nikolay Afanasyevich – Dr. of Econ. Sci., Professor, Honored Scientist of RF Saint Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance
Sinov Vladimir Vasilyevich – Cand. of Econ. Sci., Professor, Saint Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance “New Literacy” of XXI century
The article shows that education as economical institute can’t be attributed to branches of services, as it is superstructure and it provide for functioning of all state institutional infrastructure. And the sphere of services is a subsystem of productive forces, which are formed by educational establishments of every country. Informational paradigm still dominated in Russia. Its task is mainly simple transfer of information. That’s why the main purpose of educational institutions is development of creative, but standard thinking, based only on learning the given information, i.e. the new literacy skills are required now.
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