Beginina Irina Ivanovna – Cand. of Econ. Sci., Head of Chair, Chair of Economy and Management, Ulyanovsk State University (Dmitrovograd branch)
Kuchinskiy Anton Vladimirovich – Senior Professor, Chair of Economy and Management, Ulyanovsk State University (Dmitrovograd branch)
Saakova Liliya Valerianovna – Applicant, Chair of Marketing Saint-Petersburg State University of Economy and Finance
The article presents the variant of financial structure of innovation oriented enterprise based on the centers of financial liability. There should be centers of control and management of innovative projects. Managers of such centers should have rights and bear responsibility for finances of concrete innovative projects. This will allow to rise of quality of decision making process in management of balanced financing of innovative projects, stages, forms of activity. It will also allow to rise financial effectiveness of the project in organization of innovative projects based on linear and successive model or on parallel activity of integrated groups for development of innovative projects.
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