Candidate of Science, Economy, Professor, Director of the Moscow representative office of Moscow Regional Institute of Management and Right; Corresponding member of International Academy of Information, Information processes and Technology, Moscow
(Moscow Regional Institute of Management and Right; International Academy of Information, Information processes and Technology, Moscow)This article discusses the high technology organizations and development opportunities within the framework of strategic alliances. Strategic alliance unites a few independent enterprises, therefore integration processes in similar organizations can help to attract refinancing and divide risks. Methodological basis of this process is a theory of management of business-processes, allowing to provide an optimality and rationality of chainlet of creation of value for the user of agroindustrial products, even possibilities of participants of the computer-integrated forming. The purpose of alliances is to enable organizations to feel more confidently within the framework of contractual relations, here not to deprive every enterprise of legal independence. A basic problem for an engineer is a low level of scientific developments, what decides by the association of organizations in alliances and to realization of national support. For a domestic engineer most interest is presented by pseudoconcentration alliances which are instrumental in introduction of scientific and technical developments and development of production.
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