Kolytsova Nadezhda Viktorovna – Postgraduate, Faculty of Economy, Chuvash State university n.a. I. N. Ulyanov
Sharanin Aleksey Sergeevich – Postgraduate, Moscow Academy of State and Municipal Administration Manager of Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute, Lecturer, Chair of Innovative Technologies, Zhukovsky Municipal Institute
Saakova Liliya Valerianovna – Applicant, Chair of Marketing Saint-Petersburg State University of Economy and Finance
The paper touches the problems of small and middle business functioning in the region (on the example of Chuvash Republic). innovative activity of the enterprises was complicated in the period 2008-2009 because of reduction of R&D financing. In modern situation small businesses in the regions need an essential support from the state, which may ensure social and economical development of the whole country in the future.
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