Citation: Victoria Berlay (2014). Current state and prospects of development of dairy farming in Russia. Russian Agricultural Economic Review, 1(1) doi: 10.18334/raer.1.1.462
Dairy farming is related to one of the largest branches of the agro-industrial complex of Russia. However, in practice, enterprises often follow a policy of "survive today" and practically do not think about the future. This phenomenon is also present in other sectors, but in the agricultural sector such "attitude" has reached enormous proportions, resulting in the need to revise the possible prospects of further development of the industry.The study aims to analyze the statistical data on the current state of dairy farming at the federal and regional levels, including the price situation of the milk market. The results allowed to systematize the factors which to some extent determine the development of agricultural enterprises; identify the leading regions for milk production; formulate the main problems and prospects of development of dairy farming.