Murtazin Aleksandr Sergeevich – Postgraduate, Faculty of Economics, Management and informatics, Penza State Pedagogical University n.a. V.G. Belinsky
Grischenkov Aleksandr Ivanovich – Cand. of Econ. Sci., Associate Professor, Head of Chair, Professor, Chair of Marketing, Bryansk State University n.a. Academician I.G. Petrovsky
Saakova Liliya Valerianovna – Applicant, Chair of Marketing Saint-Petersburg State University of Economy and Finance
The feature of modern stage of economy development is transformation of economic system and transition to innovative type of economy development. The special role in this process belongs to small innovative businesses, which are the moving force of the qualitative economic growth, technological developments, employment and structural changes. They are also important sources for knowledge creation in modern economy.
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