Gulin Aleksandr Andreevich – (Lomonosov Moscow State University)
The article reviews the condition of housing and public utilities in Russia, their features formed by the planned economy are shown including the high concentration of the populations in cities, the low provision with accommodation, lagging development of the road network and low-rise construction, prevailing centralized life-support systems. The author draws the conclusion about the weak market environment in the construction industry that is distinctly shown under the conditions of the economic crisis. Taking into account the dynamics of the population and urbanization trends, he characterizes the alternatives for further development of housing construction and urban planning as well as stimulating measures needed for it.
► in the short-term and medium-term prospects, the growth of factor productivity in the industry relies on strengthening of the market environment and activation of the innovative creativity
► the housing and construction policy in the RF is implemented within the logics of “catching-up development”; issues of relocation of population from failing housing stock, increasing the provision of housing, the volumes of new builds delivered prevail in the information field over the issues of energy efficiency, upgrading, renovation, development of the urban environment
► the progress of media and spreading of the remote work forms together with the decrease in expenses for keeping the suburban housing and development of the road and transport network imminently activate suburbanization
► an innovative developer acts as an organizer of creation of not just housing development, but also of housing systems with sustainable and economical life-support that form the balanced and human-friendly environment on the territory with high transport penetration
► the strategic choice of urban planning development priorities is needed for promotion of innovation and achievement of synergy in the construction industry
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