Improving the resource potential management at agriculture organizations of Smolensk region
Aleksey Belokopytov
(about the author)
Belokopytov Aleksey V. – Doctor of Science, Economics, Professor, Professor of the Chair of Production Management (Smolensk State Agricultural Academy )
Keywords:agriculture, production resource management, productive efficiency, workforce productivity
Citation: Aleksey Belokopytov (2016). Improving the resource potential management at agriculture organizations of Smolensk region. Food Policy and Security, 3(1), 9–18. doi: 10.18334/ppib.3.1.2193
The article deals with the issues of resource potential management in the agriculture sector of economy. The author analyzes the changes in the composition and structure of resource potential of agriculture organizations in Smolensk region. He identifies the basic factors hindering the development and use of agricultural production capacity of the region. Using economic and mathematical modelling based on the conducted analysis, the author estimates intrafarm reserves for improving the efficiency of agricultural producers’ resource potential by means of machine and tractor fleet optimization, rational use of fodder resources and workforce productivity factors.