Sergeeva Irina A. – Professor of the Chair of Management and Economic Security (Penza State University)
Sergeev Aleksey Yu. – Associate Professor of the Chair of Management and Economic Security (Penza State University)
Due to the toughening of Western states’ economic sanctions, the Russian government had to take counter measures. In the present economic situation the provision for the country's food security becomes more closely connected with import substitution. The solution of the import substitution problem is a comprehensive and multi-stage task that is directly depends on the level of the national agricultural development that is, in its turn, interconnected with solution of the rural territories development problem. The aggravation of the Russian economic problems requires the development of an adequate, comprehensive and effective food policy that suggests the system of measures aimed at increasing the agricultural production effectiveness and competitive ability of national products. The research has allowed to analyze the main issues of Russian AIC companies’ operation at the modern stage, aggravated threats to food security; to identify import substitution barriers. The measures of state support for the prior directions of the food policy implementation are suggested.
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