Molokova Elena Leonidovna – (Ural State University of Economics, Yekaterinburg)
The article presents the results of the analysis of non-financial statements of socially responsible companies in terms of readiness of business community to effectively interact with the higher education system. This article was prepared with the financial support of the Russian Humanitarian Science Foundation within the project No. 15-02-00509 (2015) “Forming the instrumental base of evaluation of the institutional environment of higher education system in the context of international harmonization of educational space: theoretical, methodological and practical aspects”.
► the proportion of extramural students that combine getting higher professional education and working increases
► the Law No. 273-FZ that includes employers on the education system has established specific forms of business participation in educational relationships
► mechanisms that synchronize qualification requirements of employers and competences generated by educational institutions are ineffective
► the vast majority of investment in employee training is outside the "traditional" vocational training system, and the key role, along with in-house training, in most cases is attributed to cooperation with "non-educational" sector
► the potential of corporate social responsibility as a communications channel in cooperation with universities is not fully implemented
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