Shteyn Grigoriy Arkadevich – (Institute of Industrial Economics of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Donetsk)
The article presents the author’s opinion on the existing dissonance between the rapidly developing technology and society and the level (quality) of personnel training. It is possible to remedy the situation by reforming the system of education and science in the country. Taking into account the global trends, the author proposes a conceptual schema of such reforms for the real conditions of various mixed economy models, including the Ukrainian one.
► E. F. Denison identified four main factors of economic growth: employment, working time, sex-age structure of employees, and the level of their education
► information economy consists of creative thinkers, knowledge and information as means of production, the predominance of innovative and intellectual production, priority of intellectual property, enhancement of the role of knowledge workers etc.
► lifelong education can bring success both to a person and to the society
► introduction to innovations is a mutual process and, more specifically, a process suggestive of the presence of such abilities in the one who teaches, i. e. a kind of “fanatic”, who, unfortunately, are very few
► the education and science reform should be based on a complex approach and planned for many years, i. e. it should not be limited to one or two years, or even a shorter term
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