Khoreva Lyubovy Viktorovna – Dr. of Econ. Sci., Professor, Chair of Economics and Management in Social Sphere, Saint-Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance
Vasina Elena Vyacheslavovna – Cand. of Econ. Sci., Doctoral Candidate, Chair of Economics and Management in Social Sphere, Saint-Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance, Director, Petrovsk College
Saakova Liliya Valerianovna – Applicant, Chair of Marketing Saint-Petersburg State University of Economy and Finance
The article considers the problem of record of labour market demands in the system of professional education on the base of development and implementation of professional standards, as obligatory basis for creation of educational standards of new generation. The author highlights the importance of elaboration of national classification system for formation “qualification market” in the country (at which the value of the worker will be defined by his real qualification) and ousting of “diploma market” (at which the value of the worker is defined by the diploma of higher education).
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