Postgraduate of the Chair of Marketing; analyst, Federal network of “Mybox” sushi markets
(Volgograd State University)For most consumers the price is a key factor in selecting substitute goods produced under different brands. It goes without saying that competitive advantages of a brand, image, service and location have a sufficient impact on the demand, but it is the pricing that has always been and remains the prime instrument in a competitive struggle for the client. Because of the difficult macroeconomic situation in the Russian economy, consumers can turn a blind eye to the service quality and even convenience of the purchase in favor of a better price. According to the statistics, at the beginning of 2015, consumption of some groups of day-to-day goods of quite expensive segments, such as fresh fruit and vegetables, pork and beef, some dairy products, alcoholic drinks, radically decreased. The premium segment considerably yielded to goods of the economy class. In this regard the pricing shall become a strategic complex decision for business, a result of careful market research, cost structure of the company, analysis of the target audience, demand and competitors. The author developed a multi-level pricing model of network company's menu. This model consists of the following stages: financial analysis, multidimensional ABC analysis, competitive analysis, and marketing analysis. The model well analyzed and approved by means of implementation thereof in the large-sized Russian companies is recommended as an effective tool for the development of menu prices in large network companies which are characterized by complex organizational and territorial structure and business functions.
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