Marketing features of fixed capital as a commodity
Konstantin Ermolaev, Elena Pogorelova, Lilyana Sosunova
(about the authors)
Ermolaev Konstantin N. – Doctor of Science, Economics, Professor (Samara State University of Economics)
Pogorelova Elena V. – Doctor of Science, Economics, Professor, Head of the Chair of Applied Informatics and Information Security (Samara State University of Economics)
Sosunova Lilyana A. – Doctor of Science, Economics, Professor, Head of the Chair of Marketing and Logistics (Samara State University of Economics)
Keywords:capital as commodity, continuous circulation, perfect mobility, transfer to an effective owner
Citation: Konstantin Ermolaev, Elena Pogorelova, Lilyana Sosunova (2015). Marketing features of fixed capital as a commodity. Russian Journal of Entrepreneurship, 16(20), 3467-3480. doi: 10.18334/rp.16.20.1992
The article discusses the concept of perfect capital mobility with regard to circulation of a specific commodity – capital – in the market, as well as factors conditioning this concept and institutions ensuring its implementation.