The investment security of Russia under the conditions of globalization
Nigara Eminova
(about the author)
Eminova Nigara E. – Candidate of Science, Economics, Associate Professor of the Chair of Information Technologies (Dagestan State Institute of National Economy, Makhachkala)
Keywords:economic security, globalization, investment climate, investment security, national security
Citation: Nigara Eminova (2015). The investment security of Russia under the conditions of globalization. Russian Journal of Entrepreneurship, 16(20), 3377-3386. doi: 10.18334/rp.16.20.2013
In the conditions of constantly changing economic environment, it is critically important for investors to secure their investments. This article is devoted to a relevant issue – the investment security of Russia. The scope of threat and the actual damage inflicted to the country’s economic safety put the issue of Russia’s investment security into the forefront of social life.