Vetitnev Aleksandr M. – Doctor of Science, Economics, Professor, Head of the Chair of Management and Technologies in Tourism and Service (Sochi State University)
Romanova Galina M. – Doctor of Science, Economics, Professor, Rector (Sochi State University)
Serdukova Nadezhda K. – Candidate of Science, Economics, Associate professor of the Chair of Management and Technologies in Tourism and Service (Sochi State University)
Serdukov Dmitry A. – Lecturer of the Chair of Management and Technologies in Tourism and Service (Sochi State University)
The article presents the materials of the study on web-promotion of the cultural and educational touristic services in the Southern Russia. Websites of the main recreational destinations in Crimea and Krasnodar Region were studied using the author’s method and ranked on the basis of a complex assessment of the level of promotion of the cultural and educational tourism. It was found out that promotion of the cultural and educational tourism is not present in the target region. The level of cultural and educational touristic services is somehow higher in the Internet resources of Crimea compared with the resorts of Krasnodar Region.
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