Systematization of approaches to the interpretation of the concept of financial capacity of a territorial unit in the context of financial security
Pavel Ivanov
(about the author)
Ivanov Pavel A. – Candidate of Science, Economics, Research Worker of the Regional Finances and Budget and Tax Policy Section (Institute for Social and Economic Research, Ufa Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Science)
Keywords:finances, financial capacity of a territorial unit, financial security, potential, territorial system, territory
Citation: Pavel Ivanov (2015). Systematization of approaches to the interpretation of the concept of financial capacity of a territorial unit in the context of financial security. Russian Journal of Entrepreneurship, 16(15), 2451-2462. doi: 10.18334/rp.16.15.558
The article discusses theoretical approaches to the concepts of “financial capacity of a territorial unit” and “financial security”. The author suggests his own interpretation of the definition of “financial capacity of a territorial unit” based on the triune approach from the prospective of ensuring financial security of split-level territorial systems.