Ksenofontov Vitaly I. – Doctor of Sciences, Economics; Director (Krasnodar Centre for Scientific and Technical Information)
Bolganova Irina V. – Candidate of Sciences, Political Sciences, Associate Professor of the Chair of Economics and Management (Institute of Economics and Management in Medicine and Social Sphere, Krasnodar)
Klimovskikh Nadezhda V. – Candidate of Sciences, Economics, Associate Professor of the Chair of Economics and Management (Institute of Economics and Management in Medicine and Social Sphere, Krasnodar)
Keywords:entrepreneurship, infrastructure of entrepreneurship, municipal order, public entrepreneurship
Citation: Vitaly Ksenofontov, Irina Bolganova, Nadezhda Klimovskikh (2015). Promoting the development of entrepreneurship at the local level. Russian Journal of Entrepreneurship, 16(13), 1989-1998. doi: 10.18334/rp.16.13.491
This article focuses on the organizational and legal forms of business implementation, and mechanisms of influence on businesses by local authorities.