The problems of economic security methodology in the conditions of economic crisis
Elena Filimonova
(about the author)
Filimonova Elena A. – Candidate of Sciences, Economics, Associate Professor, Chairholder of the Department of Finance and Banking (Kemerovo Institute (branch) of the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics)
Citation: Elena Filimonova (2015). The problems of economic security methodology in the conditions of economic crisis. Russian Journal of Entrepreneurship, 16(13), 1949-1964. doi: 10.18334/rp.16.13.495
This paper considers the problems of monitoring the economic security of Russia and its regions. It proves the provision on the assessment of a significant reduction in evaluation authenticity of economic security levels of Russia and Russian regions in conditions of economic crisis. It argues for the need to make changes in the methodology of economic security as a consequence of an objective relationship between economic processes and assessment of economic security. According to the analysis, the task is formulated to adjust economic security monitoring system and its requirements.