Keywords:performance indicators, personnel assessment, personnel assessment methods, professional and corporate competencies
Citation: Yuliana Arif (2015). Personnel assessment by KPI method in modern project-oriented enterprises. Russian Journal of Entrepreneurship, 16(10), 1449-1458. doi: 10.18334/rp.16.10.257
The specifics of a project-oriented enterprise’s work constraints the choice of personnel assessment method to a certain degree. Based on her many years' experience in project-oriented companies, the author proves that KPI method is the most suitable for implementing and, if necessary, correcting the strategy of personnel management and for work appraisal in case of new ambitious projects. The economic and financial efficiency of using this method in a project-oriented company has been proven in this article. The author’s suggestion is to introduce indicators of the connection between KPI and personnel’s “motivatedness”, thus, providing the most efficient use of the method possible.