Rozhkov Evgeny V. – Candidate of Science, Economics; Specialist, Perm Krai Department of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation (state institution)
Nowadays perfection of the processes of state property management is taking place. One of the parts of the property management process in Perm Krai is privatization. At the regional level, there is enough relevant experience of real estate privatization. Having analyzed the regulatory environment, the author considered the possibility of scientific argumentation and development of the strategy of privatization of property complexes at the regional level. In addition, the article reveals the necessity to take into consideration not only systematic, but also individual approach to the transactions with regional property, as well as the necessity to estimate issuers suggested for privatization with the help of specialists in the given sphere. The conclusions stated in the article can be used when developing conceptions, strategies, forecast plans, roadmaps and programs in the sphere of state property privatization at the regional and municipal levels.
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