The genesis of socially responsible business in Russia: charity and patronage of arts
Anna Shulimova
(about the author)
Shulimova Anna A. – Candidate of Science, Economics, Associate professor, doctoral student of the Chair of Marketing (Volgograd State University; Institute of Economics and Management in Medicine and Social Sphere, Krasnodar)
Keywords:charity, landscaping, merchants, patronage of arts, Russia’s economic history, social responsibility of business
Citation: Anna Shulimova (2015). The genesis of socially responsible business in Russia: charity and patronage of arts. Russian Journal of Entrepreneurship, 16(3), 515-522. doi: 10.18334/rp.16.3.96
Charity and patronage of arts are considered as early forms of social responsibility of Russian entrepreneurship. The author stresses the special role of the late XIX - early XX century merchants in the formation of endogenous institutions of the socially-oriented market economy. Merchants’ corporate traditions, aesthetic tastes and humanistic ideals in combination with market type economic rationality encouraged successful merchants to do social investments on a mass scale in order to create and maintain the reputation capital and state’s patronage of arts.