Financing- and development-related problems of small-sized enterprises in Russia
Inna Mukhina
(about the author)
Mukhina Inna V. – Candidate of Science, Economics, Associate professor of the Chair of Management and Logistics (Institute for Development of Business and Strategies of Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov)
Keywords:financial problems of small-sized enterprises, small-sized enterprises, taxation policy, venture capital financing
Citation: Inna Mukhina (2015). Financing- and development-related problems of small-sized enterprises in Russia. Russian Journal of Entrepreneurship, 16(3), 485-496. doi: 10.18334/rp.16.3.102
The article reveals financing- and development-related problems of small-sized domestic enterprises and proposes ways to overcome these problems in order to create favorable conditions for future development.