Kraynov Nikolay Nikolaevich – Adviser, ProfBusinessConsult Ltd., Applicant, Chair of Political Economy and International Economic Relations, Russian State Social University
Nekhoroshev Yuriy Sergeevich – Dr. of Econ. Sci., Professor, Chair of Economics, Tomsk Polytechnic University
Alabuzhev Dmitriy Sergeevich – Postgraduate, Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of Russian Federation
Humanization of labour is multiple-aspect problem, which require creation of avorable conditions for realization of human labour potential. This means enriching of social and economic contents of labour, reduction of labour monotonicity, ensuring production process safety, reduction of negative influence on environment. The author proves the need for creative component in labour under modern conditions, when a person with his yearnings and knowledge becomes “motor” of economy in some way.
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