Keywords:a form of management techniques, business processes outsourcing (BPO), gross domestic product (GDP), insourcing, international labor specialization (ILS), labor meso-specialization, outsourcing, outstaffing, transnational corporations
Citation: Maksim Timofeev (2015). Outsourcing, its essence and the necessity of a separate category in Russia’s GDP. Russian Journal of Entrepreneurship, 16(1), 61-74. doi: 10.18334/rp.16.1.40
In the modern conditions of labor specialization, the problem of meso-specialization arises. New management techniques appear: outsourcing, outstaffing and insourcing. At that, outsourcing and outstaffing provide the opportunity for a “meso-division” of the main and other activities of an enterprise with account of the modern economic development and modernization of modern and world economy.