Moseiko Viktor O. – Doctor of Science, Economics, Professor of the Chair of Management (Volgograd State University)
Korobov Sergei A. – Candidate of Science, Economics, Associate Professor, Acting Head of the Chair of Management (Volgograd State University)
Tarasov Aleksei V. – Postgraduate of the Chair of Management (Volgograd State University)
Decision-making as such is one of the most important, serious and, at the same time, most difficult stages in management of social-economic systems.For studying influence of the resources on one another in the production process, the authors apply a cognitive approach realized in the given model as a cognitive model. As part of the cognitive modelling, the authors create a cognitive map which is a scheme of cause-effect relationships determining the reciprocal influence of the resources in their development during the production process.Further the authors propose an algorithm to determine the indices of reciprocal influence of the resources, i.e. their influence on one another.The content of each influence of one resource upon another has been considered.Finally the authors formulate the management decision content expressed in priorities of development of the resources in the production process. According to the authors, priority is determined based on the maximum functional efficiency and minimum economic expenses of the resources development in the production process.Thus, based on the resource-factor approach and cognitive modelling elements, the task of forming the content of a management decision as an order or priority of resources development in the production process has been solved.
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